Sunday, January 12, 2014

Premature Ventricular Contraction

Premature Ventricular Contraction
By: Psylar Grey

Only time will narrate
To the angel I met by fate
That a void was in thy heart & soul in ache

Have been trying for long through art
To fill the empty shell in thy heart
But knew not where to start

Uncertain of life's serenade
Same way I learned to bike, reckless but afraid
With no training wheels nor safety aid

So that my scar will tell
The story of how I fell
When I met you, my friend

Just a look in your eyes
A reflection of a beautiful soul with no disguise
Makes my heart beat rise and the feelings aren't lies

So here I am hoping in bliss
The thought of you will miss
Your personality, your laughter and your smile
Just a glimpse makes my day worthwhile

I know for a fact that no other angel can match your beauty and style
And nobody here on earth nor heaven will come close to that beautiful smile
And if you ever felt I forgot nor didn't care
Let me stop right now, my true feelings I'll share

Premature ventricular contraction, you made my heart skip a beat
A rhythm I can't defeat
Words that I can only say to you
Is only "I love you"

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